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What is Data Structure Data structure is a way of organizing data in a computer so that it can be easily stored, retrieved and used. It specifies how data should be organized, stored and accessed. The goal of data structure is to improve the performance of applications, making them more efficient by taking advantage of the intrinsic properties of the underlying system. Data Structures are classified differently depending on different criteria like alphabet, time complexity or space complexity etc. There are two broad categories for classification namely Abstract Data Types (ADT) and Non-Abstract Data Types (NADT). Abstract Data Types(ADT): In this type, we define a set of operations along with their properties and constraints which define the interface to the data structure. We will not be concerned about how these operations are implemented in any particular programming language. This is a pure software engineering approach. Data structure in this case is also referred as an Abstract data type. Non-Abstract Data Types(NADT): In this type, we will have a concrete implementation of the software data structure like Array, Stack etc., which will use the basic operations such as get, set and delete for implementing these algorithms. These types of data structures are referred as Non-Abstract data types. Though Data Structures are important in the software development, it is extremely difficult to build good data structure in a short duration. So it is very much required to understand and learn and understand and learn and understand and learn... in every step of the way. The reason we need to go through this process is that if we don't know how various algorithms work, we will not be able to implement them properly, even if we have the best of algorithms for any given data structure. So what I am trying to say here is that this book provides us with all the necessary information that we need in order to implement any kind of data structures effectively. As the name suggests, the Data Structure presented here is an implementation of a data structure. However, it is not a complete Data Structure. After reading this book you should be able to build your own data structure if you are serious about it. There are so many algorithms, which are used for construction of different kinds of data structures. This book only focuses on two important types of data structures that are considered as fundamental for other types to work efficiently. After reading this book you will be able to put your knowledge into practice by building useful software tools and implement other useful algorithms using these tools. Different types of primitive data structures are discussed in this book. Each of these data structures are carefully analysed along with its properties, time complexity and space complexity under the different situations. This book also discusses different sets of algorithms that can be applied to these data structures for sorting, searching, inserting and deleting data from them. These algorithms are based on some very useful theoretical concepts which are discussed here in detail. The concept of Binary Search Tree is one of the most important theoretical concepts that you will learn after studying this book, as it is used heavily for implementation of other data structures like Red-Black Trees , AVL trees etc..What I like most about this book is its simplicity. cfa1e77820