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Dubbed Hangover 2 Download 1080p Watch Online Video Subtitles


A hangover is the body's reaction to alcohol consumption. It can be acute, short-lived and severe, or it can be chronic with long-term dysfunction. Hangovers are usually caused by consuming too much alcohol (more than two standard drinks) over a brief period of time and for most people either by drinking on an empty stomach or consuming more than one drink per hour. Alcohol is toxic to the brain; in particular it damages the neurons that control rational thought and judgment while leaving other brain functions intact. According to epidemiological studies, a hangover is more likely to occur among people who have a decreased tolerance for alcohol. Alcohol is absorbed by the stomach and small intestine, spread throughout the body by fluid movement in the blood vessels and enters the brain. The three major mechanisms of absorption include:When alcohol reaches the liver, it can be metabolized into acetaldehyde which causes a rapid rise in blood acetaldehyde concentrations as well as causing headaches as evidenced by sensitivity to light. Acetaldehyde can also cause nausea and vomiting, as well as rapid heartbeat and shallow breathing which lead to further dehydration. This phenomenon, known as acetaldehyde dehydrogenation, leads to a substantial drop in blood pressure. As a result, the individual may feel faint and dizzy and is more likely to fall and hurt themselves. Hangover symptoms include:Hangover cures and remedies include:Part of the issue with hangovers is that they can persist for days after the alcohol has been cleared from the body. Alcohol, as it is digested, produces acid byproducts which remain in the blood stream long after alcohol has been metabolized into acetate by the liver. These byproducts stimulate nerves that control feelings of nausea and vomiting. The time it takes the body to rid itself of these byproducts varies from person to person. In addition, as alcohol is metabolized into these byproducts, it creates a chemical "bottleneck" where the liver becomes overwhelmed and cannot process alcohol as efficiently as before. Once this bottleneck is reached, any further intake will have a much more dramatic effect since the liver cannot keep up with the amount of alcohol being processed. Treatment for a hangover includes: Hangovers are caused by several factors, including dehydration and toxic metabolic products such as acetaldehyde. The primary treatment for acute alcoholic intoxication is therefore administration of intravenous ethanol, or "alcohol-replacement therapy". The effective treatment of the symptoms of severe hangovers is based on these principles. The first principle is to avoid dehydration by replenishing lost fluid, which will not be achieved through drinking. The second principle is to avoid toxicity caused by acetaldehyde by immediately consuming a sugary drink made from orange juice, milk, or fruit juice. Although there are no scientific studies that prove this principle, its advocates claim that the sugar stimulates the brain's reward centers and prevents acetaldehyde from derailing rational thinking. This principle has been used successfully by several paralympic athletes during competition. If acetaldehyde levels are high enough, oral rehydration salts may be used to help neutralize the acid in the stomach. cfa1e77820


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